
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Designer Discovery: Daisy Balloon

all images ©daisy balloon [via Daisy Balloon Diary]

Putting clowns everywhere to shame is the Japanese team of balloon artist Rie Hosokai and art director/graphic designer Takashi Kawada, known collectively as Daisy Balloon. Elevating a simple party trick into a true art form, the duo has displayed their imaginative inflatables in galleries worldwide.

The three dresses above are only Daisy Balloon's most recent work, having released a book in 2011 that I'm itching to get my hands on...

I was thinking about making a terrible pun about being blow away, but let's just get down to details: Depending on the value of the Yen, the book comes out to about $53 and is offered with a choice of what look to be foil-printed covers. That rainbow version would look mighty fine on a coffee table, no?


  1. How unique! I wonder if you'd float wearing one of these dresses, hehe.

  2. Most definitely one of a kind book and styling/concept! Love that first image and the black ink is just popping out as it's torn!

  3. These are beautiful, I am a fan of conceptual fashion and that plate of food makes me want lunch haha

    xo Audrey

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