Happy September! I realize I'm a few days late, but the first baby in our family was born this weekend (no, not mine), so I've been busy loving on her. Anyway, a new month means new catalogs. Or, in the case of J.Crew, a new style guide.
I know that the J.Crew catalog has become somewhat of a styling bible ever since Jenna Lyons came along and upped the ante. But rebranding a catalog as a style guide takes some balls. It implies a higher level of fashion know-how, a suggestion that J.Crew's ever-present delivery to my mailbox has something to teach me.
So what have I learned? Let's take a look... heavy dose of snark included.
Print fabric is cheaper in bulk.
Jenna Lyons is a fan of Girls.
[right photo via style.mtv.com]
Somebody didn't plan their inventory well.
Peplum is not going anywhere.
J.Crew likes interracial couples...
I didn't realize how seldom images like this appear in media until I saw this. So, good job J.Crew! No snark there.
...and multiracial children.
J.Crew has always had a diverse bunch of child models. I just wanted an excuse to show these cutie patooties.
Unibrows are in? Or out?
Compare the photos. Photoshop fail or a mid-shoot wax - you decide.