Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Trina Turk for Banana Republic: Dog Days of Summer

If you've ever walked down a city street with me, you probably know that I love dogs even more than I love design, and it doesn't get any better than this. To introduce its collaboration with Trina Turk, Banana Republic has teamed up with the ASPCA to create this video of rescue pups frolicking amid Turk's signature prints.

If you managed to tear your eyes away from those cute, furry faces long enough to admire the collection, Trina Turk for Banana Republic will be available to BR Facebook fans tomorrow and will hit stores on Thursday.

GIVEAWAY UPDATE: I realize that some of you are waiting for me to announce the winner of a certain Fred Perry handbag. I'm leaving the giveaway open until midnight tonight, so you'll have to wait just a little bit longer. And, if you haven't entered yet, what are you waiting for?!