Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Giveaway: Fred Perry's British Invasion

U.K. retailers quietly began landing on Bostonian shores a few years ago, planting outposts of Ben Sherman, Jack Wills, Ted Baker and All Saints along the length of Newbury Street. And with last week's opening of a Fred Perry shop at 301 Newbury, we can no longer ignore the inevitable: The British are coming!

Thankfully, this invasion involves far more style and far less tea than the last one, and to celebrate, Fred Perry is hosting a giveaway on The Well-Appointed Catwalk. The folks at Fred Perry were kind enough to let me choose the prize, so I went for the Slouchy Hobo Bag shown above. In its deep chocolate shade, subtly imprinted with the iconic laurel wreath logo, I'll be more than a little jealous of whoever wins it.

Here's how it works:
  • To enter, follow The Well-Appointed Catwalk via RSSTwitterFacebookFriend Connect or Bloglovin', and leave a comment below.
  • For an extra entry, Tweet about the giveaway and/or share on Facebook by including a link to this post.
  • Leave a separate comment for each entry. There is a maximum of three entries per person.
  • Remember to include your email address or some way that I can get in touch with you.
  • Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. Sorry, foreign friends!
  • I will choose a winner randomly at the end of the day next Tuesday, June 5th.
Even if you're not the lucky duck that gets the hobo, anyone who presents this mailer at the Boston store by June 3 will get 20% off their purchases. 

Not local? Well, I spoke with brand managing director John Flynn at last week's opening party, and after plying him with enough free beer (I kid, I kid), he let me in on Fred Perry's expansion plans. Click through to see where the brand may land next, along with my party photos...

According to Flynn, either Austin or San Francisco will be the next city to get a Fred Perry store and, no doubt, a kickass opening party like this one.