Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bless This Home

Church conversion by Zecc Architecten [via Shelterpop]

Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate! Today is all about the candy for me, but I'm sure there are at least a few of you who spent the morning in a church. The question is, though, would you ever live one?

Zecc Architecten converted this former Catholic church in Utrecht, Netherlands, into a private home. The stark white interior and minimalist furnishings are a beautiful contrast to the ornate structure of the cathedral and its original stained glass windows. The only thing that could give me pause about living here is the foreboding stone crucifix, but otherwise, it's just perfect - even for a nice Jewish girl like me!

Church conversion by Zecc Architecten

How amazing is this kitchen with the stained glass peaking out from above? And do you see the organ over the stairs? I wonder if it still works.

In the U.K., Kenmont Gardens is another church-turned-home, with floor to ceiling windows and arches throughout the interior. It's decidedly more cozy than the first home, playing up the warm wood with Oriental rugs and modern tufted furniture.

Right down the street from my apartment is Bell Tower Place, luxury condos housed in the old St. Theresa's Church. Unfortunately, I think much of the church's character was sacrificed in the update. It turns out the Archdiocese removed the original stained glass and lighting before selling the building, but the arched windows and high ceilings are still pretty incredible, not to mention the exterior.

 [photos by Erik Jacobs/The Boston Globe]

My vote is for #2 (thanks in no small part to the furnishings), but which is your favorite?


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