Thursday, April 15, 2010

H&M Festival Wear - Bringing Out the Dirty Hippie in All of Us?

Ok, confession time - I was a bit of a hippie in college. I've gone to my fair share of Phish and Dead shows, and I can camp in mud with the best of them. Which is why I was intrigued to hear that H&M's 3rd Fashion Against AIDS campaign is going with a festival theme.

Twenty-five percent of sales from the collection, in stores May 20th, will be donated to youth HIV/AIDS awareness projects, and the clothes rock.

While it's likely that some of these pieces will become staples in my summer wardrobe, and I could even see myself in that airy white dress and the rain poncho at a show, who are we kidding? This is not a time for cute new clothes, people!

No - festivals call for your oldest, dirtiest cutoffs and tank tops or that printed, light-as-air cotton dress you bought from a vendor at the last festival. (Another confession: I have a blue and purple elephant-print hippie dress that I bought at Berkfest '02, and it has become my around-the-house/errand-running uniform on the hottest of summer days.)

And even if you can't resist wearing your new H&M festival cuteness to an actual festival, I'd suggest you don't trust your camping experience to the brand. The tent and sleeping bag might look lovely, but you won't be smiling when you're wet and cold in Limestone, Maine. (Yes, I speak from experience.)

Of course, this is all coming from a New England perspective. I do have fantasies of West Coast festivals like Coachella and Burning Man wear insane humidity and/or cold rain don't dictate clothing choices. So Californians, what's the verdict? Did H&M actually get it right?


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